Who We Are
"Open Door Outreach" Is a registered Non-Profit Founded By Genise Johnson. Genise has also founded the For-Profit "At My Desk He Speaks" under which she sells her published books and other written works. "Open Door Outreach" welcomes donations.
Open Door Outreach
Many years ago I struggled with what to do with my life. In the midst of my struggle, I found myself in bad relationships and burdensome financial struggles that led to becoming homeless. As much as that time was immensely hard it was the start of this ministry now that I am so passionate about.
In my homelessness, I self-reflected and pondered the wellbeing of my children. I began to pray for answers. Through prayer, the Lord gave me a passion to write to encourage those in situations like mine. I started my book writing journey At My Desk he Speaks and now has written several books of encouragement.
I eventually got a job and was happily employed for 15 years. After retiring I started to seriously start this non-profit ministry of 1-1 support and counseling for the homeless and anyone who feels stuck in their life without a direction or purpose. This ministry is called Open Door Outreach."
At My Desk He Speaks
Soon after I was licensed to preach at my church, I was given the assignment to minister to a small group of people from a neighborhood shelter. While on the train headed to work I asked God to tell me what He would have me to deliver to the people. It seemed like God was not going to speak to me immediately, so I relaxed and went to work.
When I got to work and sat at my desk I began to prepare for a busy day. Then the most amazing thing happened...God began to speak to me like never before! Almost every time I sat down with a pen God would give me a flow of words to write. I was only following God’s lead. Suddenly it became clear that at my desk God tells me what He wants me to write. I named my writing ministry At My Desk He Speaks.
At My Desk He Speaks Ministry is the book ministry that sits under the umbrella of Open Door Outreach.